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Sony Taking a bite out of Apple's lead

Sony has greatest potential to challenge industry leader
Tokyo sony's challenger to the iPad ,the Tablet S, will test the Japanese group's ability to compete with Apple in software and services as much as hardware. The touch screen Tablet S, first unveiled in the spring, has won over some reviewers with its distinctive wedge shaped design,which is intended to make it more comfortable to hold for long periods when reading , emailing or surfing the internet. Sony hopes the shape will set it apart from an army of iPad clones.

Apple’s sublime iPad just may have a little bit of competition. And it comes from another mega-giant company, one with enough entertainment ties to run with iTunes.

Meet the Sony Tablet S, the sleekest, smoothest tablet that doesn’t have the late Steve Jobs’ fingerprints on it.

Sony’s first foray into the Android tablet market has actually been around for a few months, but it is finally hitting its stride. And with holiday insanity about to ensue (assuming, of course, that you’re not reading this on your cell phone while fighting through a line at Target right now), the Tablet S resurgence couldn’t come at a better time.

Your hard-earned $499 gets you – or somebody really really special – the sexiest tablet on the market. Yes, that’s right, the Tablet S, aesthetically, is even more elegant than the iPad2. Its all-black exterior screams high-end Sony, and it includes some incredibly smart touches.

The device’s wedge-shaped design allows for easy viewing when placed on a table, and the few buttons (for power and volume) are craftily hidden within the right side of the wedge. Even better, Sony does its best to force you to never put the tablet down by including an infrared universal remote. It’s easily and simply programmable (Sony’s done universals before, after all), and it’s a joy to use. What could be better than surfing the web one moment, editing a word document the next and then, with the tap of a button, turning down the volume on your surround sound and changing the channel on your cable box?

“We were looking for a way to connect the tablet to other places,” Sony’s Ty Takayanagi told the System Update. “We feel like the tablet will be the center of home entertainment.”

All of that gives the Tablet S a solid base, but that hasn’t helped other tabs beat the iPad. BlackBerry’s PlayBook had a great OS, the ASUS Iconia was well-priced, and Toshiba packed its Thrive with more productivity hardware features than any tablet, but none could match Apple’s iTunes entertainment options. Really, iTunes is part of Apple’s success secret, and it has never been touched.

Tablet S, however, poses a challenge here. Last month, Sony drew from its monstrous network of entertainment connections and finally launched music and video services, as well as a PlayStation Store filled with PS One ROMS. All have their shortcomings, but if Sony can correct a few flaws, it could provide a truly viable alternative to the iPad.

Tablet S : Wedge- shaped design imitates curve of folded magazine makes it comfortable to hold and provides slight incline for typing. Device also operates as universal remote control Both tablets connect to sony's library of music , movies , digital books and PlayStation video games
Tablet P: Dual-screen device folds to fit into purse or pocket. Can be held vertically for reading e-books, with one page on each screen. For composing e-mail,top screen shows message while lower one displays keyboard.

Specs Sony Tablet S Sony Tablet P    Apple iPad 2
Display 9.4-inch 2x5.5-inch     9.7-inch
Resolution 1280x800 1024x480 each     1024x768
Size(mm) 241.2x174.3x10.1 180x158x14     241.2x185.7x8.8
Weight 598g 372g     613g
OS Android 3.1 Android 3.2     iOS 4.3
Processor              Nvidia Tegra 2.1 GHz    Apple A5,1GHz
Memory 1GB 512MB    512MB
Storage 16 or32GB 4GB    16,32 and 64GB
Expansion SD card (32GB)    Adaptor Required
Cameras Front 0.3MP/Rear5MP    0.3MP/720p(0.9MP)
Price $499(Wifi only) $599(3G)     $499(Wifi)$629(3G)
Avilable Sep 17,2011 Nov-11     March 11,2011

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